We will look at world trends that are related to HR issues, but affect everyone who is working. So let's get to it.

1. Quiet quitting

Despite the name it is not actually about an employee who would like to quit, It is about disengagement at work. According to Gallup research, up to 85% of employees are not engaged at work. So what does the term quiet quitting mean? Forbes provides this list:

  • minimum effort outside the scope of work duties
  • not actively participating at meetings
  • not participating in conversations, activities or tasks that are not directly related to the work activity
  • isolation from colleagues who also notice the disengagement
  • increased workload of others
  • chronic disengagement

Employees do not want to listen to empty promises about a promotion or higher financial compensation that will not happen. In a nutshell, they want to see a recognition for the efforts they put into work. They set boundaries beyond which they will not go until the company meets their needs. Otherwise they see no point in doing anything outside of a job description. It's also a kind of defense mechanism against burnout, if it hasn't already happened. As an employer, ask yourself, do you have time for your people? If not, then be careful, because it might be happening "as we speak".


2. Quiet firing

Immediately after the 1st trend, the so-called quiet firing began to appear in the media. Experts agree that these are new name for the trends, but old habits. This is about a tactical approach from an employer or managers, which results in the employees preferring to leave the job themselves.

The list below shows the typical types of such behaviour:

  • lack of feedback
  • the employee is not promoted even if the performance is beyond satisfactory
  • leaving an employee out from meetings or events organized by the company
  • lack of development, even if colleagues at the same level receiving better career opportunities
  • being ignored by a manager

As you can see, both mentioned trends are related. If managers pay enough attention to a team, does not ignore their needs, and appreciates people properly, they will become a great manager in an environment where these trends do not appear.

3. Boomerang employees

This is a person who has left a company, usually voluntarily, but wants to return. It can also be a person who had to be let go, mostly for organizational reasons. But now there is an opportunity to return again. But in order to have somewhere to return to, we recommend that companies always say goodbye to their employees correctly and kindly. We recommend the same to employees so that they do not leave with unnecessary anger and hostile relations. You never know when you'll need each other again. Statistics show that there are up to 15% of people on the market who have returned to the company after some time. And that's quite a number in today´s work environment.

Don't have time to follow trends, but need to move your company forward? Let us become your HR advisors or consultants. We will be happy to help you stay informed! You can find all our services here: https://hrcycle.cz/hr-sluzby/