Offboarding is one of the least popular (and last) part of an employee's life cycle. There is no doubt that this phase is challenging for both parties. How to convey offboarding process in the most painless and correct way possible? Let´s look into it in this article.
1. Set up an efficient and friendly exit procedure
Effective offboarding process is key. What should you remember to make departure as smooth as possible?
- set up an offboarding checklist (write down all the items that belong there, e.g. handing over the laptop, issuing the credit card, handing over the agenda, etc.)
- conduct an exit interview
Exit pohovor by měl být veden opravdu lidsky. Pokuste se být co nejvíce profesionální a empatičtí. Není třeba situaci ještě více zhoršovat negativními emocemi, zvyšováním hlasu nebo jinými projevy, které jméno firmy poškodí a druhou stranu jen vystresuje.
The goal of the exit interview should be to find out the reason for leaving(if possible), what the company can improve, what leaving employee was satisfied with at work, what the company should change in the future, etc.
- if an employee is leaving voluntarily, do not convince him/her to stay
If a person has already decided to leave, it's not worth putting him or her in a very uncomfortable position with questions like "And if we added XXX dollars to your payslip, wouldn't that help?" and the next day with the question "Didn't you change your mind?". We describe this phenomenon in more detail in our next article 5 sentences that harms your business
- ensure a smooth handover
Toto je ve spoustu firmách stále kámen úrazu, pokud už mají zajištěné předchozí body, většinou v tomto bodě efektivita klesá.
If you do not have a replacement for the person in question, it may happen that one of the departing colleagues will take over the agenda. Arrange for it to be as short as possible. We also recommend that you offer a financial or other reward (e.g. extra time off) to the person who temporarily takes over the agenda.
TIP: Pokud odcházející nebude chtít předávat agendu osobně, domluvte se, aby agendu předal alespoň v písemné formě. Někdy je to
i lepší varianta. Mohlo by se stát, že odcházející zbytečně demotivuje nástupce svým přístupem.
Do not accumulate more work for 1 employee in the long term, or create so-called 2-in-1 positions for remaining colleagues, otherwise there is a risk that they will leave too.
- go the extra mile, offer help
If you are on good terms, offer to help. Try, for example offer a CV/LinkedIn profile consultation or say that you will recommend her/him further and give positive feedback.
- treat them no different, maintain a positive relationship
This should be automatic, but companies still get carried away. That's why we appeal to all companies to treat departing employees as they have done so far. Bitter, sarcastic remarks, and being left out of events or celebrations are inappropriate. Don't make it worse for yourself. It is essential to maintain good relations.
2. Ensure cybersecure departure and communication
Together with your IT department, set up the correct exit of the employee from the cyber security side as well. All access to internal databases should be removed and the email inbox disabled (may be part of the offboarding checklist). The person leaving should also set up an email automatic reply that they have quit the company and whom others should contact in case of questions.
Provide communication to the company; it is good to give this information both on your internal channel (e.g. intranet) and in person. Whether the employee is leaving voluntarily or involuntarily, do not remain silent to avoid unnecessary panic. Tell the team that the person is leaving, the general reason (e.g. a different career path) and most importantly, what it means for existing colleagues . How the agenda, divided work, etc. will be dealt with. Communicate this information to clients with whom the person in question has worked.
3. How to do an offboarding procedure legally correct in Czechia?
In order to be in compliance with the labor code and not to face legal battles, you must be able to say goodbye to an employee well
also from a legislative point of view. If you are unsure, always consult your legal team or an employment lawyer.
Types termination of employment:
a) mutual agreement
b) being dissmed or handing in a resignation
c) immediate termination
d) termination of contract during probation period
All types must be in writing. The employee does not have to give a reason for termination. The employer does.
And what is the conclusion?
Remember, if done offboarding well, it ensures company good reputation. It may also happen that they will want to return to your company - up to 15% of people have already had this happen (more about this trend here - point 3). Therefore, if possible, maintain having a great offboarding process really pays off (either figuratively or concretely).
Do you need help with offboarding in your company? Are you unsure about something in the process or need a consultation in this direction? Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you !